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Haven Home Organize: An Organizer's Perspective

Haven Home Organize: An Organizer's Perspective

If you only had a few moments to interact with someone, what’s the elevator pitch for what you do?

Hi, my name is Morgan and I help people organize their homes to encourage having a better relationship with themselves through space. 

What was your path to this line of work?

I was ending one career for another and getting rid of most of my stuff at the time gave me the emotional release to be fully ready to move on and take the next step in my life. My first career was in music. I was a singer-songwriter ever since I was a kid. 

Have you always been an organized person?

Yes! But it wasn’t until my mid-twenties that I was reconnected with my childhood self who used to organize my closet and rearrange my bedroom furniture on the weekends and after school. It was always stress-relieving for me and I loved seeing the immediate changes made for the better. It just felt good!


Morgan Ovens from Haven Home Organize


How has your business evolved over the years?

I started my business in Los Angeles in 2016 and have since developed a second location here in the Bay Area. I’ve developed an A-list roster of clientele in the celebrity and entrepreneur circle but continue to work a lot with families and professionals. Connecting to my "why" has been an imperative step to building my brand and overall vision for the future of my business. I love getting to work with people from all different backgrounds.


Do you like organizing your own home as much as organizing client homes?

I do! It’s really hard for me to relax even after a day’s work, if everything isn't put away so it's really important that I come home to a tidy space. Not to mention, my partner and I live in a small space along with our two XL dogs and cat so everything must have a home to keep everything running smoothly! 


You take a unique approach to this work. Are there any concepts you might be able to share with us that have helped guide you?

Decluttering is an essential step to this process and it’s been an integral part to moving forward in my life personally. I like to ask myself if each item represents my past, my now or my future. This has helped me to identify which items are holding me back. I created a simple freebie to help people get started with this process because it's such an integral part of it.


Pantry organization by Haven Home Organize featuring the Sculpted Bin - Long


How would you define your personal style?

My personal style is cool, fun and polished. 


Do you have a favorite space in the home you like to work on, or a type of client you like to work with?

Kitchens and pantries are probably my favorite to organize because once set-up properly, they make a huge difference in everyday living. And I love setting up a fun snack section while being creative with tailored categories to each client. I love working with parents who are short on time and energy. I find it really rewarding to help them set-up systems at home so they can feel supported and less stressed at home with their families. 


What is your favorite thing about being a business owner? What’s the most difficult thing?

My favorite thing about being a business owner is the freedom I have and the ability to focus on what I’m really good at while delegating the rest. I also love that the sky’s the limit to my own success. The most difficult thing is discovering my own roadmap to achieving everything I want to. 


Laundry organization by Haven Home Organize featuring the Sculpted Bin - Wide


Tell us about a moment that made you stop and realize how far you’ve come.

I’ve had a few of those moments but one of the biggest was buying my car last year. It was something I dreamed of buying myself one day since I was in my twenties and it was pretty surreal driving it off the lot. 


Is there a challenging area for you to keep organized? And how do you manage that space?

The most challenging area for me to keep organized is my clothes closet. I still have a lot of shoes and clothes that I don’t really wear but that I still like. I’m working hard on adapting the “in 1-out 1” rule. 


Tell us about your goals for the future:

Now I’m focusing on growing my team so I can help more clients each day. I'm also developing a program to help people easily adopt an organized lifestyle. More on that to come!


Closet organization by Haven Home Organize featuring the Sculpted Bin - Original


Who has supported you along the way and who inspires you? 

There have been many people supporting me along the way starting with my parents who have been by my side from day one. And early in my career, every organizer I worked with taught me a lot of skills and product knowledge. I'm really inspired by female entrepreneurs who have built their own companies in the wellness space.


If someone is feeling overwhelmed in their space, what’s the one piece of advice you’d give them to help them start?

Set the vibe and start with something easy. Pick one category to edit, start the timer, put on some of your favorite music, light a candle and grab something to drink. PS: I made a playlist on Spotify specifically for decluttering if you'd like to listen along.


What is your favorite thing to do outside of your work?

Spending time with my partner up at our Ranch and taking care of all of our 32 animals. We live with our 2 dogs and cat but we have 20 cows, 2 donkeys and 7 goats up at the ranch. And this is just the beginning!

Morgan Ovens from Haven Home Organize

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